Marco Cáceres di Iorio

Sorry, in the Vaccine Debate, the ‘Experts’ are the Historians

Do you want to know who are the real experts in the debate on vaccine safety and efficacy? No, it’s not the scientists. Nope, it’s not the medical researchers. Nah, not the doctors. It’s the historians — those who know history and understand the lessons of history, and argue passionately against mindlessly repeating the mistakes of the past — those who do not have financial interests, conflicts of interest, or personal agendas.

Those who understand the human toll of the DDT (Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane) fumigations during 1946-1972. Those who understand the human tragedy of DES (Diethylstilbestrol) given to pregnant women during 1938-1971. Those who understand the human horror of using Thalidomide to alleviate morning sickness in pregnant women beginning in 1957. Those who understand the countless and ongoing recalls of prescription drugs such as Vioxx that kill or maim hundreds of thousands of patients.

And finally, those who understand that the so-called “experts” in whom we’re supposed to confide and trust have consistently gotten their wonderful “science” dead wrong. Let me give you a short history lesson.

Beginning in 1946, the US government conducted a nationwide mass fumigation campaign using the extremely toxic chemical DDT. The goal was to exterminate mosquitoes, which were believed to be spreading polio. As the DDT campaign proceeded, the incidence of polio began to noticeably rise. DDT fumigation in the US reached its peak in 1951. Polio reached its peak in 1952, with nearly 58,000 reported cases, in which 3,145 people died and 21,269 were left with disabling paralysis. In 1952, the DDT fumigations were subsiding. In 1953, polio cases were also subsiding at about the same rate. By 1953, the number of polio cases had dropped by nearly 40%.

During the 30 years before it was banned in 1972, a total of approximately 1,350,000,000 pounds of DDT was used in the US.

In 1954, medical researcher and virologist Jonas Salk came up with his inactivated injectable polio vaccine. That same year, the government redefined polio. According to Dr. Bernard Greenberg, head of the Department of Biostatistics of the University of North Carolina School of Public Health:

In order to qualify for classification as paralytic poliomyelitis, the patient had to exhibit paralytic symptoms for at least 60 days after the onset of the disease. Prior to 1954, the patient had to exhibit paralytic symptoms for only 24 hours. Laboratory confirmation and the presence of residual paralysis were not required. After 1954, residual paralysis was determined 10 to 20 days and again 50 to 70 days after the onset of the disease. This change in definition meant that in 1955 we started reporting a new disease, namely, paralytic poliomyelitis with a longer lasting paralysis.

In other words, under the new definition of polio, thousands of cases which would have previously been counted as polio would no longer be counted as polio. The change in the definition laid the groundwork for creating the impression that the Salk vaccine was effective. It was kind of like a golfer being given a stroke handicap, or when you spot someone points in a basketball game.

In 1955, the government began a nationwide mass vaccination campaign using the Salk vaccine. From 1957 to 1958, the number of polio cases (despite the new, stricter definition) spiked upward by 50% because the vaccine itself induced paralysis. From 1958 to 1959, polio cases increased by 80%. Afterward, polio began to decline, probably because the bulk of the vaccinations had already been given during the second half of the 1950s. In 1960, there were only 3,190 cases of polio, compared to 8,425 in 1959.

In 1960, a scientist at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) named Bernice Eddy discovered a wild virus designated SV40 (simian virus 40) which had contaminated the Salk vaccine. In testimony given by Barbara Loe Fisher before the US House of Representatives’ Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness, Fisher said:

It was in 1960 that an NIH scientist named Bernice Eddy discovered that rhesus monkey kidney cells used to make the Salk polio vaccine and experimental oral polio vaccines could cause cancer when injected into lab animals. Later that year the cancer-causing virus in the rhesus monkey kidney cells was identified as SV40 or simian virus 40, the 40th monkey virus to be discovered. (Shorter, e. 1987. The Health Century) Sadly, the American people were not told the truth about this in 1960. The SV40 contaminated stocks of Salk polio vaccine were never withdrawn from the market but continued to be given to American children until early 1963 with full knowledge of federal health agencies. Between 1955 and early 1963, nearly 100 million American children had been given polio vaccine contaminated with the monkey virus, SV40.

Merck microbiologist and famed vaccine developer Maurice Hilleman also detected SV40 in 1960, and he was concerned. SV40 had contaminated both the Salk vaccine and the oral polio vaccine (OPV) being developed by Albert Sabin. The OPV had been undergoing human trial testing since 1957 and would ultimately be distributed in 1962. In a video interview (start at 6:25), Hilleman can be heard saying:

So anyway I went down and talked to [Albert Sabin], and he said well, why are you concerned about it? Well, I said “I’ll tell you what, I have a feeling in my bones that this [SV40] virus is different, I don’t know why to tell you this, but I just think this virus will have some long term effect.” And he said what? And I said, “cancer.” I said Albert, you probably think I’m nuts, but I just have that feeling. Well, in the meantime, we had this virus and put it into monkeys and into hamsters. So we had this meeting, and that was sort of the topic of the day, and the jokes that were going around were that “gee, we would win the Olympics because the Russians would all be loaded down with tumors.”

Asked why the information about SV40 did not make it into the newspapers at the time, Hilleman answered:

Well, I guess it did, I don’t remember. We had no press release on it. Obviously, you don’t go out, this is a scientific affair within the scientific community… but, anyway we knew it was in our seed stock from making vaccines. That virus, you see, is one in 10,000 particles, is not inactivated by formaldehyde. It was good science at the time because that is what you did… you didn’t worry about these wild viruses. So then the next thing you know… three, four weeks after that we found that there were tumors popping up out of these hamsters.

So in summary, the US government decided to try and wipe out the scourge of polio by fumigating the country with more than one billion pounds of DDT, which ended up actually causing the polio epidemic of the 1940s and 1950s. Hundreds of thousands of people died or suffered greatly. But the government misdiagnosed the cause of the epidemic, and so it moved to vaccinate nearly two-thirds of the population — about a hundred million people — and many more around the world with vaccines that actually caused paralysis in tens of thousands of people and were contaminated with a wild monkey virus found to produce cancer.

We may never know for sure whether SV40 is one of the main contributors to the steady rise in cancer rates in the US during the past half century. But you have to wonder. If so, it would be a tragedy of historic proportions. Not only because of the human toll taken by the disease, but because it would all have been so unnecessary had the government opted against poisoning the country with DDT in the first place. One bad decision led to another bad decision, and on and on. It’s as if government officials and bureaucrats have this special talent for being unable to see the forest for the trees. And we the people — the trusting people — always seem to be the ones who pay for it.

The end.

39 Responses to “Sorry, in the Vaccine Debate, the ‘Experts’ are the Historians”

  1. athina

    Excellent cut to the chase summary! Children getting polio from Salk vaccine is known as ‘The Cutter Incident’. Dr Bernice Eddy knew and warned that her monkeys had become paralyzed during testing of vaccine.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Rita K

      Dr Bernice Eddy is documented in the book Dr Mary’s Monkey by Edward T Haslam. That book is pulls together a whole lot of things that separately have been puzzling for decades. It is an incredible web of deceit.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Sue Marston

      Vivisection created this mess in the first place. Referring to more vivisection is folly. Vivisection is 19th century barbarism which is still in place because 1) it can be manipulated to create whatever result the funding party desires, and 2) it has grown into an industry where greed and sadism can be practiced simultaneously. Look up this book, which is available to read online for free: “Vivisection or Science, A Choice To Make” by Dr. Pietro Croce.


  2. Marten

    Hi there,
    The perspective that historians should have a significant voice in the vaccine discussion is important. It would be good to see your article made more convincing with the addition of easily verified footnotes from reputable sources.
    It’s important that the debate not be muddied with opinion and contribute to heightened opposition between those who support the idea of vaccines and those who don’t support the idea of vaccines. On an industrial level, both sides have much to lose, much incentive to muddy the discussion with opinions over facts. All humanity deserves the facts.

    Liked by 11 people

    • Jan Woods

      The governments says…lolololol! Did you read the article above? Nothing the govt. says anymore should carry any weight with us, nothing. None of the gunk in vaccines belongs in any baby’s or child’s body. And because injected into muscle tissue or the bloodstream the gunk is bypassing any of the body’s natural immune responses and so it just stays and circulates, lodging in organs and tissues, foreign bodies waiting to cause damage, to mutate, to replicate, to toxify. Any wonder why so many kids have so many different problems and chronic “auto-immune” diseases???

      Liked by 1 person

      • David Myers

        I certainly also recommend Edward Haslam’s “Dr Mary’s Monkey” as well as Judyth Baker’s book “Me and Lee – How I Came to Know, Love, and Lose Lee Harvey Oswald” (which is highly recommended by the author of “Dr Mary’s Monkey”, and gives further insight into the secretive manipulations of the Cancer industry . . . particularly around Dr Alton Oschner’s right wing control over the Cancer science industry and his efforts to develop a potent fast acting cancer bioweapon (likely used to kill Jack Ruby in prison before his order for a retrial could be scheduled in court.


    • Cynthia

      Is that like the phrase “We’re from the government and we’re here to help”? Not. On another note. Dissolving Illusions is an excellent resource.


  3. Bruce Hartdegen

    I wouldn’t thinks so…they’re toxic because they don’t sweat and eat their own waste…could be why some folks are battling parasites in the gut and brain.


  4. Katherine Jaconello

    One thing I have found out about “experts” is that they are deliberately taught “ahistorically” (no history of the subject). This is covered in Zbigniew Brzezinski’s publication, “Between Two Ages, America’s Role in the Technetronic Era”. It is a deliberate strategy to create “zombies” – people who are neither cause nor effect. It creates “experts” who could more rightly be considered “pompous asses”. Nasty combination.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. mazzicat1970

    Reblogged this on Maz's Multitasking and commented:
    There is more to the history of vaccination than just morbidity and mortality figures for given diseases…much, much more. This is a great entree to get you started if your historical research has been limited thus far to the bare figures without their context.


  6. jacques

    You mean Historians who purposily only tell fail storys about vaccines… lets be unsided and tell all the history including the succeful vaccinations programs, shal we?
    Science is not 100% acurate and there is a lot o f mistakes on the process, even if you not count economics and political reasons… Still is your best chance to get it rigth… or you can alway try some homeopathic way of healing polio, maybe praying might help you.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Mariana

    I just want to say thanks to my mother because I had all vaccines like my sister and we never had any illness related to that, I also vaccinate my children and they are healthy people who also put their children vaccines and nobody in our family has had problems with it.


    • Chris Morrow

      I just want to say an MMR vaccine gave my son autism 10 years ago overnight, right before my eyes. He is eleven now and we are very happy that he has learned to answer yes or no questions recently so that we can communicate in a very basic way. Anyone who has their jimmies rustled by that claim can pretend I called it vaccine-induced encephalopathy, like they do on the insert, if it makes you feel better (but the pediatrician calls it autism and the shot caused it).


  8. Frederick T Schurger Dc

    While I enjoy this piece, and I’m with you on SV40, I’m not sure your correlation between DDT & the increase in polio is as strong as I would like. I’d certainly like some better studies on that. Still, an interesting connection between the two, and our significant increase of cancers, especially child related ones which have grown considerably just in our recent history has a strong potential connection to SV40.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Marco Cáceres

      Spraying DDT for Polio in Texas 1946 Universal Newsreel

      DDT is sprayed over Rockford, Illinois to combat polio epidemic. August 27, 1945


  9. Patrick

    Hello, interesting piece but I would appreciate a reference on using ddt to combat polio. My understanding of using ddt to wipe out mosquitoes was that it was too combat diseases like malaria which are definitely carried by mosquitoes.


    • Marco Cáceres

      Spraying DDT for Polio in Texas 1946 Universal Newsreel

      DDT is sprayed over Rockford, Illinois to combat polio epidemic. August 27, 1945


      • Atrophey

        The videos linked are not valid as proof of anything. I could put them on my own channel renamed as “First Chemtrail Experiments” or “Stupid Crop Dusters” and they would be just as accurate.

        Any documents? News reports? Verifiable stats, interviews, citations, reports, statements… Hell, ANYTHING we can verify? All we have right now is your word on it with unattributed “quotations” from people we don’t know ever even existed much less may have said those words.


  10. Alexa Dee

    It’s my understanding that along with DDT use, the high rate of tonsilectomies heavily contributed to the rise in Polio. I’ve read at that time in history, science regarded tonsils as simply extra skin without realizing that ctually, they were the main body part involved in fighting Polio.


  11. anonimo

    zika is fraud. 4000 cases of microcephaly this number reduced to 270 zika suspects and only 8 confirmed with zika with microcefaliar
    cases of zika is the northeast region of Brazil. There decades in Africa and has no reporting microcefaliar in Africa.

    Brazil has 205 million people on average have less 300 cases. US averages 2500 to 25,000 per year. 86% of the cases concentrated northeastern Brazil and not in the whole Brazil which in northeast signal is concentrated where more cases of zika and microcefaliar in Brazil and which has more cases of anomaliar where transgenic mosquitoes were played.
    “Workers Party” PT “which is the feminist movement and the government is interested in legalizing abortion in general Brazil ……. they will get in the coming months in the Supreme Court with federal safety mandate to legalize abortion by the Supreme because the national congress did not pass. the same government that prohibits pilular cancer not expect anything else, since the voters of Rousseff believe she’s doing good of Brazil.
     The President of Brazil Dilma wants to use combat the mosquito that transmits dengue and zika etc …. to distract the people, because your government is in the news involved in several corruption scandals involving members of his party and allies arrested for corruption and the process impeachment in the coming months. use mosquito fight to distract the people, but many Brazilians have already agreed to it.

    website 1

    site 2

    site 3

     of Rio Grande do Sul The government suspended on Saturday (13) the use of water for human consumption pyriproxyfen larvicide used to stop the development of mosquito larvae Aedes aegypti, the transmitter zika virus. The product is manufactured by Sumitomo Chemical.

     colombia registers 2824 pregnant with zika and no cases of microcefaliar

    science site belying Humbug zika:

    Video 1
    Video 2


  12. Mike

    You might want to check with actual historians before you make this claim.

    DDT was used more and more until 1959 then slowly less and less until it’s ban in 1972. Peak cases for Polio was 1952 and started tapering off.

    So polio cases were going down as DDT usage was still going up.



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